Weasley Girl by Hyaroo

Weasley Girl by Hyaroo

AU: The first friend Harry Potter made on the Hogwarts express wasn't Ronald "Ron" Weasley; it was Veronica "Ronnie" Weasley, first-born daughter of the Weasley clan. And all of a sudden, the future looked very different.

Join the newly-formed "Potter's Gang" (consisting of Harry, Ronnie, Hermione and Neville) in their first year at Hogwarts as they get into all kinds of misadventures, and maybe have to face a certain Dark Lord before they're ready for it.

First novel in the "Weasley Girl" trilogy. Fem!Ron, but not a romance, and not a canon rehash.

Status: Complete 
Published: 10 June 2012
Last update: 17 December 2013
Total Chapters: 14
Total Words: 97,600
Medium: Archiveofourown.org


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